
Peanut and manufacturing leaders discuss marketplace sustainability expectations and Sustainable U.S. Peanuts Initiative during industry roundtable

February 26, 2024 (Alexandria, Va.)— Representatives from the manufacturing, shelling and growing segments of the peanut industry came together this week for a forum on sustainability where they highlighted efforts underway by the peanut industry to capture sustainable practices. During the online roundtable, hosted by the American Peanut Council, leaders from each sector discussed marketplace demands and shared how growers are rising to meet these expectations.

As consumer demand continues to grow for measurable sustainable food production practices, so does pressure from manufacturers, retailers and international trading partners. According to a 2023 report from Kearney, 42% of U.S. consumers say they consider sustainable food practices when making purchasing decisions.

To meet these expectations, the American Peanut Council is spearheading an industry-wide effort to benchmark growers’ sustainable practices. The Sustainable U.S. Peanuts Initiative is supporting America’s 7,000-plus peanut farmers with metrics on the most efficient use of on-farm resources, as well as encouraging farm operation sustainability practices that will help lead to increased demand for peanuts and set the stage for long-term economic viability for peanut growers.

“We are constantly aware of our sustainability,” said Dan Ward, a seventh-generation grower from North Carolina and president of the North Carolina Peanut Growers Association and chair of APC’s Sustainability Committee. “From grid sampling for best use of fertilizer applications to staying on top of research of new varieties that allow less trips across the field, we are continually striving to limit our footprint. Not only is this important for the environment, but we want our farms to be financially sustainable for the next generation.”

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